Up with this I will not put

    So i suppose i should explain what all this new blog bobbins is all about, to do that i will have to regale you all with the tale of THE YEAR (so far) FROM HELL!!.

  First off some background (because context is a very good thing). I am a father to three wonderful children, henceforth upon this blog to be referred to a Sprinkling 1: the beginning (15 years old), Sprinkling 2: son of Sprinks (13) and Sprinkling 3: the revenge (10). They are great kids, however they come with several non optional extras, namely severe and very complex Tourettes syndrome, ADHD, anxiety and in one case suspected autism. These conditions effect them in different ways but all have very extreme motor tics that can be really violent. These also set off the tics of the others so the house can erupt into all out war at the drop of a hat (for more information about tourettes syndrome have a look here). This has been manageable for the most part until January when Sprinkling 3: the revenge had a spike in his symptoms that made his tics not only hunt down and attack people at random but also incorporate the use of anything to hand as a weapon!.  Cue me having to take time off work and Sprinkling 3: the revenge being pulled out of school to remove the risk from his classmates (and teachers). Since then i have been unable to return to work as he needs constant supervision and often needs to be physically restrained when having particularly rough episodes. 

  While all this has been going on we have also been dealing with various medical and civic authorities to try to get all the kids the help they require. This, as anyone who has had to deal with these things will be able to tell you is a friggin' nightmare of epic proportions!. Trying to get help for one child is tough enough at the best of times but three is like walking through custard blindfolded. Having to apply to and coordinate with doctors, mental health teams, social care, charities and schools has been like spinning umpteen concrete plates on pipe cleaners. the upshot of which has been me and Mrs Sprinks battling not only our kids conditions but also some serious cases of burnout!. The long and short of this is that in April i was diagnosed with depression and have been battling it on top of everything else ever since (and probably before). 

  The good news is that i am now taking some low level medication to help with all this as well as undergoing some therapy and am feeling like im starting to turn a corner, im not completely there yet and am under no illusions that im out of the woods but its looking more positive. Depression is an absolute bugger and if any of you have suffered with it or are still there you will know what i mean. If you feel you may need help with any of this have a look here for some advice, it could be the best thing you can do for your self.

  But why am i telling you all this and why this blog?, well im glad you asked. As i mentioned i feel im turning a corner but still have all the existing issues to deal with so im determined to not loose the upward swing. As such its about time i started actually trying to work on my own mental and physical well being. Im not going to do anything too drastic but will be taking some decent exercise and eating better and thought i would set myself some challenges to facilitate this. This blog will be my personal log for these challenges and for anything else i think vaguely fits the brief. Therefore i decided to do the following:

1) Work on my diet.

      Im a bugger for snacking on crap, especially when my mood is low.  Crisps, cake, chocolate and biccies are all the worst offenders for me, even if i know there are healthier options in the kitchen im liable to be elbow deep in the shite stuff. I also tend to eat far too much stodge: bread, potatos, pasta etc. the bloating, heavy, dense stuff at every meal leaving me feeling lethargic all day. So i doth decree the following to put this right:

A) Healthy snacks only.

     Fruit, nuts, veg are the order of the day and not to silly excess. 

                                                                      Off you piss.

B) No excessive stodge.

    That means no pasta, spuds, bread, pastry etc for breakfast or lunch. Healthy options only. 

C) Dinner as normal.

    Normally dinner is freshly prepared from scratch by my good self (believe it or not i am a qualified chef, even though i have been out of the food industry for over 20 years), so is normally pretty balanced, and after being good all day a square meal will be greatly appreciated.

D) No snacking after dinner.

         My downfall, a cheeky cake bar or packet of crisps. Well no more!.

                                                                    and you!

  Im not trying to follow any particular diet or fad, just trying to eat to feel better in myself.

2) Exercise. 

   i.e. DO SOME!. Im planning on walking for this. I have a dog that already goes on walks, just short infrequent ones, so the perfect excuse to go for longer walks regularly. I could run or get a gym membership but im trying to be realistic and plan something im not going to bin off after a few sessions. I live in a nice area with some great scenery and an hour or two out in it could be pretty enjoyable (not just for the pooch). So the plan is thus:

E) Walk at least 6 combined hours per week over 3 or 4 walks per week. Take the dog, and maybe a few of the kids. Enjoy the scenery and vary the routs to keep it interesting.

                                                                   how could i resist?

  This is about getting myself better. I plan to use this blog to log my progress and also to push myself to sustain this plan by making myself accountable to you guys. It could well be a long road ahead, i may never be fully out of the woods but i reckon i can at least try....wish me luck!.


  1. Well me old mucker...you have been going through the mill haven't you. I've got one son with diagnosed autism which is hard enough , but this?
    Good luck with your targets. For my pennyworth, I suggest you try a couple of weeks without potatoes. Sounds bizarre but I gave them up and felt ten zillion per cent better, physically and mentally.

    1. Ta muchly sir, it's been the opposite of fun but there you go. Forward is the only direction I'm looking in for now. Sorry to hear about your son's condition, it's a bugger of a thing to deal with.


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